Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Assignment #8(A)

"As an extension of his mind, in an almost Zen state, but for one thing and one thing only." (Paulsen, 2003, p.56)


Chantal Melo said...
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Chantal Melo said...

"As an extension of his mind, in an almost Zen state, but for one thing and one thing only." (Paulsen, 2003, p.56)

Is this a complete sentence? The fist sentence is a dependent clause "As an extension of his mind". This is a fragment because there is no independent clause.

Shiau-Chwan, Ng said...

I think there is no clauses in this sentence. Is there a verb in this sentence? "As an extension of his mind"

syed m hasan said...

"As an extension of his mind, in an almost Zen state, but for one thing and one thing" This sentence consist of one dependent clause but there is no independent clause .so this is not s complete sentence.

Cha said...

I think that this is not complete sentence because it does not have independent clause or dependent clause. To be clause, a subject is supposed to connect a verb; however, there is no “verb” in this sentence.